Scholarly Papers
Hasmath, R., Hildebrandt, T., Hsu, C., Hsu, J. and Teets, J. (2025) “The Civic Participation in China Survey: Key Trends in Philanthropic and Voluntary Activities”, Working Paper.
Hildebrandt, T., Hasmath, R., Hsu, J., Teets, J. and Hsu, C. (2024) “What Makes a ‘Bad Citizen’? Understanding Non-Participation in Philanthropic and Voluntaristic Activities in China”, Paper Presented at International Society for Third Sector Research International Conference (Antwerp, Belgium), July 16-19.
Hsu, J., Hsu, C., Hasmath, R., Hildebrandt, T. and Teets, J. (2023) “Creating a Culture of Philanthropy and Volunteerism in Contemporary China”, Paper Presented at Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting (Boston, USA), March 16-19.
Hsu, C., Teets, J., Hasmath, R., Hsu, J. and Hildebrandt, T. (2022) “The Construction and Performance of Citizenship in Contemporary China”, Journal of Contemporary China 31(138): 827-843. [audio paper: video and podcast]
Chinese Version (中文翻译): “当代中国公民身份建构与表现”.
Hasmath, R., Hildebrandt, T., Teets, J., Hsu, J. and Hsu, C. (2022) “Citizens’ Expectations for Crisis Management and the Involvement of Civil Society Organizations in China”, Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 51(2): 292-312. [audio paper: video and podcast]
Chinese Version (中文翻译): “中国公民对危机管理的期望和民间社会组织的参与情况”.
Teets, J., Hasmath, R., Hildebrandt, T., Hsu, C. and Hsu, J. (2022) “Volunteerism and Democratic Learning in an Authoritarian State: The Case of China”, Democratization 29(5): 879-898. [audio paper: video and podcast]
Chinese Version (中文翻译): “权威主义国家的志愿服务和民主学习: 以中国为例”.
Hasmath, R., Hildebrandt, T., Hsu, C., Hsu, J. and Teets, J. (2020) “Not Everyone in China Thought the Government Could Handle the Coronavirus”, Article, The Washington Post, 17 April.
Public Talks
Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, USA)
Center for the Study of Asia, Boston University (Cambridge, USA)
Department of Government, Harvard University (Cambridge, USA)
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, USA)
Interdisciplinary Centre for East Asian Studies, Goethe University (Frankfurt, Germany)
Institute for Cultural Studies of East and South Asia, University of Wurzburg (Wurzburg, Germany)
Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica (Taipei, ROC)
The Law School, University of Wisconsin at Madison (Madison, USA)
Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin (Austin, USA)
Department of Social Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science (London, UK) [podcast]
Institute for Global Public Policy, Fudan University (Shanghai, China)
Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore (Singapore)
Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, USA)
Center for the Study of Asia, Boston University (Cambridge, USA)
Department of Government, Harvard University (Cambridge, USA)